TIPS: To apply Skin Changer/NoHands: press Force Update Key (default: F1) To hide/show menu: press Toggle Key (default: Insert) To test FakeLag settings: toggle on Third Person Mode To get FPS and CPU boost: run CS:GO in 60FPS (fps_max 60) CHANGELOG (v2.6.1 -> v2.7) > RAM usage optimization (~50% less) > CPU usage optimization (up to ~80% less) > Fixed game crash bug > Default START button (you can click it by pressing enter key) > Decreased width of health bar > Increased AutoPistol speed > Added Visual Aim FOV VIRUS SCANS: IF IT CRASHES FOR YOU AFTER 'START', DELETE 'DDX' FOLDER FROM YOUR DOCUMENTS JOIN DDX GROUP ON STEAM YOU HAVE TO RUN YOUR GAME IN FULLSCREEN WINDOWED MODE! Downloadable Files DDX Multihack [Download and Thanks] (10.45 MB)