[Release] CSGO No Recoil All Guns + bhop! AHK /CREDITS TO visloom28vis

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hunter2u66, 5/13/17.

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  1. Hunter2u66

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    I am not responsible for what you do with this and how you use it.
    Can't get vac banned, but possibly overwatch banned.

    1. Install AutoHotKey: http://ahkscript.org
    2. Extract The .AHK File to your desktop or anywhere
    3. Open CSGO
    4. Run The .AHK File
    5. Go into game
    6. Use the controls below!
    7. Enjoy!!!!! ;)

    Bunnyhop - F1 toggle (hold space to bunny hop)
    Rapid fire - F2 toggle (hold middle mouse to rapid fire)
    Perfect 180 turnaround - F3 toggle (press T to do 180°)
    AK-47 norecoil - default F4
    M4A1-S norecoil - default F6
    M4A4 norecoil - default F7
    Famas norecoil - default F8
    Galil norecoil - default F9
    UMP-45 norecoil - default F12
    AUG norecoil - default Home
    SG 553 norecoil - default End
    AUG and SG 553 zoom modifier - default Left Alt (hold when scoped in with aug or sg 553)
    Disable norecoil - default F11
    Panic button - F10 (terminates autohotkey)
    Set weapon you are using by pressing its F(number) button and then just hold left mouse button and you will start compensating

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