[Release] Classic Glow (Auto-Update offsets)

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gerassss, 3/19/17.

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  1. gerassss

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    Classic Glow
    Credits: HitByParkedCar , JACK
    Status: Undetected
    The cheat has 3 months and is still undetected but i decided to release because you can't trust anyone.


    1. Start CSGO
    2. Run the cheat as an ADMINISTRATOR , sometimes you will get an error that's why
    3. F1 - Glow ; END - Show offsets (Arata offseturile is in RO lang)
    4. Enjoy


    JACK: https://virustotal.com/en/file/c3f7c...is/1489936405/
    Downloadable Files
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