[Release] Black Ops 3 Zombie # - 1000 EXP / Sec

Discussion in 'Super Gundam Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by heisbrot626, 11/18/16.

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  1. heisbrot626

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    Hey all,

    I dont know if there is allready a EXP # but I wanna share one.

    1. Open blackops3.exe in CE
    2. Add manual address.
    3. Enter the one above.
    4. Change the value to the one above.
    5. Buy any wall weapon.
    6. Repeat Step 4-5.

    I created a trainer with CE but not allowed to post links.
    With it it works allot faster.

    Video : https://vid.me/w30K

    As always, use at your own risk.


    Edit2 : Added CE .exe in Attachment.
    Downloadable Files
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