HOW TO (Simplified) Run the injector.exe in the AVA PUBLIC VERSION 1.3 folder. Then run AVA. One console is the injector the other is the cheat. You can tell this by the names on the consoles. You can close the injector but do not close the cheats console. Follow the instructions on the cheats console window. OPTIONS The cheat will ask you which color for silhouettes you would like. The choices are red and green. The cheat will ask you if you want no recoil no spread or not. HOTKEYS Numeric 1 UAV ON/OFF Numeric 2 Silhouettes ON/OFF Numeric 3 Nightvision ON/OFF IMAGES CREDITS GAFO Systemx64 DarthVader SCANS virustotal Jotti THIS CHEAT INCLUDES AN AUTOMATIC BYPASS AND IS FOR ENMASSE AVA ONLY USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Troubles running the cheat. Install this Netframework4... Don't forget to like and add to the rep if you like this free cheat.Downloadable Files AVA PUBLIC VERSION [Download and Thanks] (18.1 KB)