[Release] AQW Le Bot Manager (Auto Restart) (Anti Ban) (Anti Bug) (v1.3)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by svrij22, 10/15/16.

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  1. svrij22

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    (Dont Download Until Approved)
    Hello AQW Players bobo,

    I created an AQW Bot Manager that automatically restarts Le Bot every 20 minutes and setup the settings. It's more for personal use, but I just thought I'd share it with you people.

    Features (v1.3):
    -Restart every (s):
    -Restart Time
    -Auto Chat (Added with 23 random texts)
    -Enable Reject Drops
    -Enable Accept Drops
    -Disable Private Rooms
    -Enable Lag Killer
    -Change Farm every restart
    -Lock AQW (Locked On top) (I made this for unwanted random popups by other programs)
    -Alt-X force shutdown
    -Reonnect Time
    -Text Delay
    -Delay (For actions)
    -Generic Attack Bot
    -Custom map
    -Custom Bot

    What will be added later:
    -More options and customizations
    -Easier farm places for lower-leveled players
    -Detect pixels, and then restarts

    Why did I make this?:
    So what this is trying to prevent is random black screens or extreme lag after a while of farming:D

    It is recommended to not drag AQW or change the size of the window. You can Lock Aqw to prevent this

    How To Use:
    1. Download the script below
    2. Download Le Bot
    3. Copy Le Bot 8.4 as 'LEBOT.exe' to the same directory (with the manager)
    4. Run the manager
    Do not run Le Bot first or it will be killed

    Virus scans: (v5)

    PS Idk why, but some say there's viruses, if you don't trust it you can have the #)
    PPS Excuse my shitty English, I'm dutch

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