[Release] AQW Account Info Grabber

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Great Barrier, 8/31/17.

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  1. Great Barrier

    Great Barrier
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    Yes, it appears I am releasing stuff on a yearly basis now. For those who still don't know, my main account is Oliboli8769.
    @ZebraKing requested, and I had enough time, so I'm releasing some new stuff around the Battleon forums today.
    Nothing much, but I'm sure it will come in handy.

    I quite like this one. The idea is that you load a list of cracked accounts (presumably from SentryMBA or whatever else you like), and it will run through them and basically tell you if they're worth keeping. See screenshot for more info.

    Note: do not use this for cracking. It's a slow and rather messy application tbh, it's purpose-built and can only achieve what it was designed to.
    WHOOPs just realised I left the button saying "start cracking" by accident, but I've already compiled the applications, so you'll just have to ignore that xD

    Each account's details are grabbed in roughly 10 seconds.


    Windows Scans (some false-positives for some reason)

    Mac Scans

    I USE A REALLY BAD COMPILER FOR WINDOWS APPLICATIONS. This is my only option as a Mac user. If it doesn't work at all, then I'm sorry and please let me know so I can find a way to solve this.

    Have a good day
    Oliboli8769 (Great Barrier)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh god. It seems my time away has made me forget how to post in the right section. @Silent could you please move it to the AQW section? Thanks so much /pls
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