[Release] AAAsunder ClicknGo 2.0.2 | ESP | Color-coded Locator

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aaasunder, 10/11/17.

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  1. aaasunder

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    Status: VAC Undetected 10/10/2017

    Use at your own risk; this is a PUBLIC CHEAT, not a private one.​


    - VAC
    - MM (no untrust)
    - FaceIT (server-side)

    1. Launch CSGO
    2. Change to Window mode
    3. Download/Unzip
    4. Right-click RightClickMeRunAsAdmin.exe, run as administrator (some anti-virus software might give a warning due to the injection nature)
    5. Click [Play] in CSGO main menu and make your choice
    6. After game data is fully loaded, you shall see a yellow cross

    7. Enjoy!

    VIRUS SCAN(3 give false alarm because I provide injector for your convenience. Feel free to use other injectors to playerup aaasunder.dll)


    Downloadable Files
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