Selling Reinassance Granado espada selling account lv 67+3

Discussion in 'Granado Espada Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by josega0112, 1/24/17.

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  1. josega0112

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    hello i am selling myaccount at this GE. my lv of family is 67+3.
    i have
    NPC premium:
    x1 Asoka
    x1 Cutie claire with 32 dr +3 +14 def +7/3s armor and Cannon +7 33ar base 3s withATK 31 + UNDEAD 98% and DEX equiptment - With Costume weapon 3s
    Npc normal
    x2 Viki with Fun SEN gear with bothCharismareydeavaricia and magic belt +9 and costume weapon. But no weapon orarmors in both viki

    i accept paypal,Gift Card amazon and bitcoin
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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