Selling Red Dead Redemption PS3 Platinum

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Market - Other, 1/23/19.

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  1. Market - Other

    Market - Other
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    Obviously I know I'm probably not going to have much luck on a site like this but it's worth a shot since I'm desperate.

    As you all may know RDR2 is about to drop in a few weeks and I'm looking for someone who is experienced with auto popping the first games trophies to the platinum or 100% completion including the DLC trophies. I'm wanting this done ASAP before the 26th so I can be ready for RDR2's platinum.

    I'd like for the trophies to have different timestamps or look pretty legit also. I've seen a few websites online which cater to this sort of stuff but unfortunately I can't get into contact with any of them. Hence why I'm trying wherever I can try to find a capable person who can do this.

    Message me on here if you're keen to do this for me and we can get in touch in a more personal matter. I can pay with PayPal, BTC etc, doesn't bother me.
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