Sold Red Dead Redemption 5th prestge, level 50 service

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Games, 10/18/15.

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  1. Games

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    I am offering to mod anyones RDR gamesave, you will get: All weapons, gold weapons, all mounts, all characters, and 5th legend/prestige level 50. Or u can choose to only get 5th prestige rank 50, or only unlock all golden guns... I havent tried them separately so not sure if all gold guns also ranks up your current level....

    Price: $5 paypal, or will accept trades such as MS points, live codes, maybe giftcards for online stores.....or will trade for someone to mod my MW2 stats(custom)


    im interested add my msn Sikh29@live /* */

    i aint got msn chat if thats what u mean... i emailed u tho....

    Have you done this for anyone else yet?

    wait..... how is this going to transfer to our harddrive?

    you can either email me your MPsave file if u can connect ur hd or MU to the computer, i then do the mod, rehash and resign, then email back to u for u to put on ur hd.... Or i recover your profile, and do it all my self. then u recover it back(would that work?)

    tbh... i tried doing this but it was a fail. Most people need modded stuff because they dont have transfer kits or usbs. If they did they would mod there selfs. So RDR wouldn't really work because people wouldn't be able to transfer back to their harddrive. im just saying tho o.o

    Dont worry about it any more bro i dont need it i dont really even go on RDR buh i think your legit anyway.

    well they should be able to just put the save on a usb then extract it, then upload it to internet or email me it... then i mod n o same back...they djust have to know how to use the program for the usb if they nee done, not sure.... my usb dont work
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