or5b46plr25aor5b46plr25a CALLING ALL ACTIVE PLAYERS!!! We are looking for new recruits either level 20 or above to join our very active guild for the guild wars. We are a new guild but have stuck together for a very good amount of times in a previous guild before making our own and consider ourselves to be a 'guild family' even though there are only 7 of us we have still managed to reach ribbon H in the last war due to us all pulling together and being as active as possible. If you think you may be interested in joining us then our guild is called Active Playaz Inc Either add me - Friend code: WBM - ZYW - WNF Or add our guild master Lancelot - Friend code: WBN - MVV - MNP REQUIREMENTS: Players must be level 20+ MUST BE ACTIVE (All players will be monitored) And Line chat is a must also so we can keep in touch better for when we are going to declare war.. (add either APLancelot or danisaur to be invited into the group chat)