Recruiting a Group to Make Money!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Moote, 7/16/17.

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  1. Moote

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    So, a fellow member on playerup and I discovered this website that acts really similar to reddit, but you earn money by giving out up-votes and receiving up-votes. Obviously, that means you need to make good quality posts and have friends who will help up-vote you when you do. : ) It is also pretty time-consuming because you not only have to make really nice, informative, HQ posts, but you also have to stay active and comment HQ stuff on other people's posts.

    Currently, I am seeking roughly 5 members to join our group so we can start building reputation on that website and eventually make it big. The website is only ~1.5 years old so it's fairly new and I can definitely see this getting big. It's not saturated yet, but I think you should BW now when it's still somewhat easy to become popular.

    If we help each other become awesome possum people, we could probably make like at least $100-200 every week no joke.

    TL;DR: Recruiting HQ members to make a small group to become big on a new website and potentially make lots of money

    If you're interested, tell me how you're HQ and if you're willing to put some work in.
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