Sold REBOOT KRONOS | 285+ NW 10 SET WITH BH | UNION 9K+ LIBERATED 74K+ STA | 610 SAC | 70k+ Culvert

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by zmishe23, 12/1/24.

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  1. zmishe23

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    Info of Account

    28x NW(F) full 22 with Round glasses and lots of nx
    - 368M CP with fam
    - Stat: 74k+ (With Oz Ring Equipped)
    - 610 SAC (Will Continue To Increase)
    - 70k+ Culvert

    - Boss Solo Clears: up to Hseren, able to solo Nkalos
    - Ready for any end game bossing : Chaos Kalos, Extreme Seren, Extreme BM
    - 8/1/0 WSE (DP Genesis (13,13,10), DP Secondary(12,12,30), 3 line emblem(13,10,10)

    6th Job progress:

    HEXA Skill: (30 Origin/ 29 Mastery/ 30 Shadow Spear/ 23 GDS/ 19 Bite/ 30 Rapid Throw/ 7 Sol Janus)
    HEXA Stat: 3/9/8
    - Genesis Weapon
    (36% att main pot (DP) / 3% att soul)

    - Secondary
    (24% att + 30% boss (DP))

    -Mitra's Rage Emblem
    (33% att)

    - 105% boss (35%*3)
    - Plenty of healing fams including 2 line heal

    - 22 Eternal Thief Shirt (33% Luk)

    Pitch Boss Set

    - 9 Set Pitched Boss 22*
    (ET 22* (DP 36% Luk), Book, SOS 22* (33% Luk), Berserk 22*(DP 36% Luk), Mitra (33% Att), Genesis Badge, CFE 22* (33% Luk), Dreamy 22* (DP 36% Luk), MEP 22*(DP 36% Luk)

    - Oz Rings (ROR4, WJ4, Cont4, Risk Taker4, Crisis HM3, Totaling4, Crit Dmg4)
    - KRR ring

    Inner Ability

    1. Current bossing preset
    BD +20%
    Abnormal +7%
    Buff duration +38%

    3. Farming preset
    Mesos +20%
    Drop rate +15%
    All stats +29

    Farming Gear

    Can easily grind in end game spots
    - Perfect Meso/Drop Gear (All 22* except 3 rings at 21*)
    - 200 drop / 100 meso with Spirit Pendant

    Legacy Items
    - Abyssal Legion Block
    - Misty Island Totem (on second main (PF))

    Second Main
    27x PF Libbed

    - Stat: 56k Stat with oz ring(Cont 4, ROR 3)
    - Full 22* Except 21 Non-transposed SW tattoo
    (including transposed SW Pendant/SW Monocle, Misty totem 107FS)

    - Book, 22* CFE, Mitra's Rage(missing pot)
    - 3 lines potential
    - Can solo up to Ctene

    6 Bossing Mules all with decent nodes
    Every single mule able to solo up to nlomien within 30 minutes (all bosses)

    25x Shade stat
    23x Bucc 25k stat
    22x I/L stat
    22x MM 14k stat
    22x DW stat
    22x WA 14k stat

    - 5 Perm pet (2 on NW, 3 on Explorer)
    - 2 VAC pet (NW, PF)
    - Rariel hair on NW and PF
    - A lot of NX




    WHY US ?

    All our accounts are 100% SECURE. We do not sell any stolen accounts.

    We sell many accounts at very CHEAP price compared to other stores.

    Username & Password is changeable.

    Don't be shy to contact me to ask about anything!

    More Info of Account




































    #1 zmishe23, 12/1/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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