Really nice MALE ACCOUNT LVL 77 with unlimited set and ITEMS. 40$ only.

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/29/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hello guys, today i'm selling an old account of mine.

    Main is a male lvl 77 with Nice items on it.

    Only unlimited items:

    Coral Reef Set

    Slider Sports Set


    Tuxedo Set

    Iron Crow Shotgun

    Xian Tactical Set

    Fimbul Winter Set

    Water-Drop Head Bandana

    Battle Brood set

    Scrider's Set

    Gunners heaven Set

    Desert Flame Set

    Ceremonial Dress Hat

    One box with shadow Suit undecided

    24 G coins Left

    Male LVL 77 63% KD

    Female LVL 36 or Male i didn't remember 65% KD.

    And LVL 29 56% KD don't remember male or female.

    I have all screenshots needed. Contact me if you wanna see them.

    Contact me for more details on my msn adress:

    I'm not going first, I think that i have enough rep and i'm only asking 40 $ for it btw.

    Post offer here and msn.

    Off Course Marius i will buy it ;)

    This guy is really weird, not saying that he is a scammer, just telling like he act like a scammer. He doesn't want to go first, has multiple msn adress, he's "miyoshimori" or "CYGAN", he doesn't want to use a middle man, he doesn't want to wait a middle man (same for me).

    Well anyways still selling this account so BUMP and again i'm not accusing him to scamm he's just really weird if you guys know what i mean. :)

    i'd buy it for $30
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