Sold Ready to Rock Rookie!

Discussion in 'Golf Clash Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by GCHero, 4/6/20.

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  1. GCHero

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    My Location:
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    392 games, 78% win rate. Entered 2 tourneys didn't complete them.

    9.8 Million Coins. 2086 gems.

    NAME CHANGE AVAILABLE. Account is linked via Facebook.. But not email. The Facebook. account and email associated with it will be given to the buyer.

    Highest Weekly League Rookie 3

    Club highlights... Not listing clubs like castaway. Pics available upon request.

    Rocket 8, EM 6, Big Topper 3, QB7, Rock3

    Horizon 3, Viper 8, Big Dawg 5, Hammer Head 1, Guardian 4, Sniper 7, Cataclysm 1

    Back Bone 8, Goliath 5, Saturn 7, Grizzly 4, Tsunami 1

    Thorn and Hornet 4

    Skewer 7, Rapier 4.

    Machete 8, Razor 4, Nirvana 3

    Malibu 4, Spitfire1

    10 titans, 16 King makers, 19 Bezerkers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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