Selling [READ] Highly leveled accounts + # FIRST 5 orders! PM

Discussion in 'Legend of the Cryptids Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bohica, 3/5/17.

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  1. Bohica

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    LOC account shop
    Highly leveled accounts, easy to use on emulators or secondary phones to wreck other awesome players.
    You'll be able to max stat in Attack, Def or even Energy!

    How it works:
    1. Contact me
    A. Tell me which level you'll need the account to be. (no stat points will be added).
    B. I'll respond how much it'll cost you. Always feel free to discuss pricing and to say no.
    C. Once we've agreed, you'll make half of the payment and we go to step 2
    2. I'll ask for the name of your choosing.
    3. I'll level the account to the desired level.
    A. You can now search the username to see what level the account is.
    B. Once i'm done you can lookup the account to see it's level.
    C. Make the other half of the payment and move to step 4
    4. I'll give you the password.


    First one to respond here by responding to this topic with a registered playerup account older then 30 days wins an account.
    The account will become around level 200 no stat points added. I'll be doing this because i'll be needing your feedback.

    PM me here or Line at authprax (no capitals in the name)
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