Reach level 85 the fastest way

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MGanuslange, 5/19/17.

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  1. MGanuslange

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    I messed up the title xD 'Fastest way to reach level 85'.

    Packet based (faster):

    Get some Ice Vapor and Dragon Scale from the monsters in /lair.
    Join /alchemy, create a 5,000 rep. potion using the two ingredients above.
    Send this packet at 100 ms delay (or higher if you wish):
    %xt%zm%crafting%1%checkAlchComplete%11475%11475%f alse%Mix Complete%Dragon Scale%Ice Vapor%Gebo%Moose%
    Enable 'Lag killer' and 'Reject all drops'.

    Quest based:


    It might actually be faster to kill 'Kathool' in /thevoid.

    Use with Grimoire 1.8.2 and click 'No' when starting up to choose the testing servers.
    You have to be level 61 or higher.
    Equip items that grant you XP bonuses.
    Use a wizard based multi-target class, as wizard seems to be the superior enhancement on the testing servers.
    Advised to use Shaman or Blaze Binder.
    Default is using public rooms.

    Currently I believe the /battlegrounde method is the fastest way to reach level 85. If anyone knows of a faster method, please let me know :)
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