Hola! I'd like to sell my Android account, RCB☭Amblam from game top 2-7 'Russian Crazy Bears' guild. Game became a little bit boring for me after 1.5 years of everyday playing. Let's go to details, firstly, my decks are nearby to Tournament Top 100: Arena; 300-500k+ points of possible result on guild battle: Account with these supplies: Gems = 105,341 Gold = 340kk Ore = 61,273 Glory (with mail and glory cards) = 856k Equipment (spent 40k+ gems): Temporary deck (until excepted 100 lvl cost growth): Story mode maps 1-14 passed at all. Map 15 closed on 24 stars result Cards and Heroes list (can provide proof screenshots): 5-4 Star Heroes: 5 star Lvl 3 Hydra with Neander Stamina 3 / War Hungry 7 / Berserk 5 5 star Lvl 4 Armageddon with Battlecry 9 / Divine Shield / Deathless 8 5 star Lvl 3 Captivator with Protection 4 / Fleshfeast 7 / Entrap 4 5 star Lvl 6 Judgement with Protection 9 / Lightfoot 9 / Group Tactics 5 star Lvl 6 Warlock with Protection 7 / Firestorm 8 / Entrap 4 5 star Lvl 1 Overlord with Mortii Brutality 3 / Firestorm 5 / Deathless 4 5 star Lvl 5 Oceanus with Protection 9 / Lightfoot 9 / Group Tactics (main hero until ore supply became enough to buy Vile Songsress) 5 star Lvl 1 Thor (not enchanced) 4 star Lvl 10 Berserker with Neander Aura 6 / Phalanx 9 / Spiky Bits 7 4 star Lvl 10 Predator with Faen Strength 3 / Agile 5 / Death Cloud 7 Four 4 star Wights (lvl 9/6/5/2) with Undying and Cripple 4 star Lvl 10 Devil Hunter with Faen Aura 3 / Firestorm 5 / Toxic Mire 5 4 star Lvl 10 Dragon Rider with Human Strength 4 / Ice Shell 6 / Firestorm 6 Two 4 star Dragon Riders (lvl 10/ 6) with Human Strength / Ice Shell / Firestorm Melded or 4th skill enhanced: 5 star Mimir's tree with Revive 5 star Arcane Sage with Immunity 9 5 star Ridge Hunter with Immunity 9 5 star Dragonlord with Assassinate 7 5 star Sea Wizard with Immunity 9 5 star Paragon with Immunity 9 5 star 2 Phantom Lieges with Immunity 9 5 star Angel Prime with Immunity 9 5 star Bloodletter with Battleblow 8 5 star Bloodletter with Frost Armor 5 5 star Spirit Siren with (D)Revive 5 star Anathema with Frost Armor 5 5 star Anathema with Sacrifice 8 5 star Anathema with with Battleblow 8 5 star 2 Terror Dragons with Frost Armor 5 5 star 2 Pit Dragons with Battleblow 8 5 star Titania with Battleblow 8 4 star Fenrir with Immunity 7 4 star 4 Queen Temptresses with Retreat 4 star 4 Horned beasts with Recycle 1 4 star 2 The Twins with Sacrifice 8 4 star 2 The Twins with Frost Armor 5 4 star Valkyrie with Battleblow 8 4 star Henrietta with Frost Armor 5 4 star Michael with Frost Armor 5 4 star Michael with Battleblow 9 4 star Michael with Bloodrage 8 4 star Nean Raptor with Immunity 7 4 star 2 Cyclops with Disposal 4 star Flame Master with Incinerate 8 4 star 4 Graboids with Stabthrough 6 4 star Graboid with Life sap 8 4 star 2 Naga Mistresses with Frost Armor 5 4 star 2 Grand Mages with Frost Armor 5 4 star 2 Royal Dragons with Disposal 4 star Royal Dragon with Frost Armor 5 4 star Griffi Knight with Incinerate 8 4 star 5 Oracles with Frost Armor 5 4 star Oracle with Immunity 8 4 star Demonic Templar with (D)Revive 4 star 3 Puppeteers with Immunity 7 4 star 2 Cave Dragons with Frost Armor 5 4 star Hell Knight with Frost Armor 5 4 star Tauros Elder with Frost Armor 5 4 star 3 Panther Chiefs with Frost Armor 5 4 star 2 Flame Braves with Incinerate 8 4 star 2 Treant Elders with Frost Armor 5 and Assassinate 5 4 star 4 Techno-chiefs with Stabthrough 6 (3) and Frost Armor 5 (1) 4 star Harbringer with Disposal 4 star Harbringer with Instakill 4 star 6 Hellwolves with Disposal 4 star Tauro General with Frost Armor 5 4 star Centaur Chief with Frost Armor 5 4 star Colossus with Frost Armor 5 Without melds 5-star (quantity): 15 lvl Octaviuses (2) 15 lvl Paragon 15 lvl Mythril Drone 15 lvl Angel Prime 15 lvl Anathema 10 lvl Gemini 15 lvl Blood Elf 10 lvl Killer Queens (4) Phantom Liege 10 lvl Yggdryad Abaddons (2) Nidhoggs (8) Fae Frostborn Lord Bones Death's Angels (3) 10 lvl Easter Bunny 10 lvl Bewitcher 10 lvl Yeti 10 lvl Titania 10 lvl Undying will 10 lvl Spirit Sirens (3) 10 lvl Ash Beast (2) 10 lvl Mimir's tree 10 lvl Phoenixes (3) 10 lvl Balthazar 10 lvl Ares 10 lvl Terror Dragon 10 lvl Pit Dragon 10 lvl Death Knight 10 lvl Moon Guard 10 lvl Sekhmet And overall huge value of 4-star cards... Runes (quantity): 5 star Sacrifice (7) 5 star Haste (1) 5 star Mortii Vigor (3) 5 star Neander Vigor (5) 5 star Faen Vigor (4) 5 star Human Vigor (4) 5 star Hero Vigor (5) 5 star Initial Rage (2) 5 star Vitality (15) 5 star Violence (8) 4 star 8 lvl Heal Amplify (1) 4 star Haste (4) 4 star Hero Vigor (8) 4 star Initial Rage (5) 4 star Bullseye (7) 4 star Protean (15) 4 star Violence (7) 4 star Vitality (9) ...and many of 4 star not important runes such as Bloodrage, Stoneskin and others All issues and questions please pm me. Cost is #. My LINE app id: 270006428 More info and screens follow the link below:http://deckheroes.freeforums.net/thr...scrollTo=98562