Selling  High End  Both Android/iOS Rare season 1 account current conqueror top 400 in NA squads 5+ kd 6000+ season rating 161 gun/mele

Discussion in 'PUBG Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by RNG gaming, 1/11/22.

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  1. RNG gaming

    RNG gaming
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    My Location:
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    Rare season 1 account active seasons 1-3, 5-8, 11-19 max rp, m1-m6 max rp ( records on account to prove)
    Player lvl 78
    Evo lvl 67 ( all arena weapons maxed)
    Currently ranked among the top 400 in North America in squads ( 7 days left in season) leader of highly skilled and active lvl 8 clan ( ATK ) with 60/60 members (ranked top 7 % in weekly activity) established at the start of covid.
    128 non upgradeable gun skins
    31 non upgradeable melee skins
    1 upgradeable gun skin -enigmatic killer dp28 lvl 2
    1 custom gun skin s12k
    Characters -
    Carlos max lvl ( includes mysterious hunter skin)
    Anna lvl 9 1617/4000 xp
    Victor maxed with all accessories
    457 character shares
    15 premium shards
    720 character vouchers at a 1:1 upgradeable ratio
    Vehicle skins -
    3 sedans including the toxic Dacia
    7 motorcycles
    6 buggys including godzilla buggy
    2 boat skins penguin speedboat, kong team speedboat
    3 uaz skins including the lumber jack uaz
    2 bus skins
    39 mythic items, including the first every mythic in game
    27 helmet skins
    27 backpack skins including "sleeping slug" and "lady of blood"
    100's of outfits, heads, shoes including full season 1 and 2 gear 1st anniversary head, godzilla head and so many more
    Notes of interest-
    23 plane skins
    79 emotes ( 19 of them mythic)
    6085 achievement points ( 319/369 completed)
    81 parachute skins including most active seasons ace parachute
    14- 7 day Room cards Screenshot_20220111-185053_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185058_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185102_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185110_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185119_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185125_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185132_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185140_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185146_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185158_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185212_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185249_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185300_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185321_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185326_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185333_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185342_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185416_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185405_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185426_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185433_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185504_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185510_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185516_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-185541_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191257_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191441_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191447_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191700_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191923_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191935_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191943_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191949_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192010_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191956_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-191959_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192017_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192024_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192028_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192035_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192051_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192102_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192121_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192139_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192144_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192336_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192635_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192642_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-192650_PUBG MOBILE.jpg Screenshot_20220111-193253_PUBG MOBILE.jpg
    1 advanced room card
    14 one day room cards
    11 Rename cards
    36 Premium crate coupons
    2500 Silver ( plus current season conquer reward )
    S 17 conqueror title
    Top 1000 ranked tdm avatar
    190 + high lvl and skilled friends
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Exxide

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    Hello i am interested
    Message me on:
    Discord: glTSUTSKO1991#5068
    Instagram: gtsutskko7
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    RNG gaming

    RNG gaming
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    I'm actually not a user of either of those services
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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