Selling Rare Mount Account All classes 100 Except Monk

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Akoppelman, 9/25/17.

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  1. Akoppelman

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    Level 100 All Classes Except Monk!

    Rare Mounts including Core Hound and Ashes of Al'ar

    Server: Kil'Jaeden US



    - Bloodwarrant - WoW

    -Level 100 Human Arms Warrior

    -Knows most WoD crafted recipes

    -Prepped for Legion

    -Average iLvl: 734



    - Skîttles - WoW

    -Level 100 Human Beast Mastery Hunter

    -Intermediate Crafting Skills

    -Prepped for Legion



    - Magileine - WoW

    -Level 102 Blood Elf Discipline Priest

    -Knows most WoD Crafting Recipes

    -Knows Shadoweave Mask (for those in 7.3)

    -Has WoD Legendary Ring

    -Legion leveling in progress



    - Yùmi - WoW

    -Level 100 Undead Frost Death Knight

    -Intermediate Crafting Skills

    -Prepped for Legion



    - Dìabetes - WoW

    -Level 72 Blood Elf Brewmaster Monk

    -Currently in Wrath of the Lich King Questline

    Server: Blackrock US



    - Bartolomeø - WoW

    -Level 100 Troll Feral Druid

    -Knows most WoD Crafting Recipes

    -Legion in Progress (Has received artifact)



    - Monomì - WoW

    -Level 100 Pandaren Enhancement Shaman

    -Prepped for Legion



    - Bêllatrix - WoW

    -Level 100 Blood Elf Demonology Warlock

    -Knows most WoD crafting recipes

    -Prepped for Legion

    Server: Sargeras US



    - Anjelly - WoW

    -Level 100 Dranei Protection Paladin

    -Prepped for Legion



    - Lupìn - WoW

    -Level 100 Worgen Subtlety Rogue

    -Prepped for Legion



    - Magìleine - WoW

    -Level 100 Human Fire Mage (Despite SS showing Arcane)

    -Prepped for Legion

    Server: Dalaran US



    - Sylveinne - WoW

    -Level 100 Human Assassination Rogue

    -Freshly boosted from Legion Purchase


    -Most toons have gear for more than one specialization and are not listed in this offer. Please contact me if you have any questions about them.

    -There is a relatively low amount of gold on this account - however, the account does hold multiple items that can be sold for multiple thousand gold on the Auction House.


    -Armored Brown Bear

    -Armored Snowy Gryphon

    -Ashes of Al'ar*

    -Black Drake

    -Blue Proto-Drake**

    -Chauffered Mechinger's Chopper

    -Coalfist Gronnling

    -Core Hound***

    -Dark Phoenix

    -Ebon Gryphon

    -Flametalon of Alysrazor****

    -Golden Gryphon

    -Golden King

    -Green Qi'raji Battle Tank

    -Grove Warden

    -Life-Binder's Handmaiden*****

    -Pureblood Fire Hawk

    -Sky Golem

    -Snowy Gryphon

    -Soaring Skyterror

    -Spawn of Horridion******

    -Swift Gryphons

    -Traveler's Tundra Mammoth

    -Twilight Drake

    Notable Mounts

    * Ashes of Al'ar is a rare boss drop mount and (based on other boosting vendors) costs approximately $250-$300. I added $200 to the price of the account for this.

    ** Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake runs approximately $130 from other vendors. I added $80 to the price of the account.

    ***Core Hound mount was a reward of a feat of strength based on beating a WoW anniversary event. This mount is now only available via Black Market Auction House and is under heavy watch by other vendors. Average cost is $1000, which adds $800 to the price of the account.

    ****Flametalon of Alysrazor cost averages between $250 and $400. I added $150 to the price for this.

    *****Life-Binder's Handmaiden costs between $300 and $700. I charge $250.

    ******Spawn of Horridion costs approximately $400 to farm. I added $200 to the price of the account.

    Final Notes

    -The Account holds an Achievement Score of 6960.

    -Contains 3 Ahead of the Curve Achievements

    -Contains 4 event achievements including 'Boldly, You Sought the Power of Ragnaros'

    - Pet Journal is listed here:îttles
    -Price is #. Contact me at Eris98 on Skype or Apollofox98 on Kik.

    NOTE: I will not sell this account without Middleman. If you approach me and request to not use the service, I will immediately ignore/mute you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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