Sold [RARE] Fresh JP New Years accounts with 30% ATK/MAG materia, 2 TM Moogles, 109 atk sword, more

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vargasffbe, 1/3/17.

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  1. vargasffbe

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    Middleman Buyout Link: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service $30 base price for each of the following accounts.

    I have a total of 10 accounts available, four basic ones and 6 with 5*bases. The $30 listing is for the basics.

    These basics come with the following:

    Two 10% TM Moogles
    30% ATK & MAG Materia
    109 ATK, 37 MAG Sword
    30 Rare summoning tickets
    1 4* Summoning Ticket
    1500 Lapis (The 5000 starting lapis was used to obtain the items above)
    5 King Minitaurs and 5 King Gil Snappers
    a free random 3* base from a free event pull

    Here are the other 6 accounts with 5* bases, remaining tickets varies per account, Lapis is between 1250 and 1500 remaining on each. The price adjustment is to compensate for time spent guaranteeing a 5* base for the accounts. Noted additional characters of interest that were pulled on the accounts. (This does not list all characters on the accounts.)

    PM which account you're interested or if you have any questions before you submit your order.

    Middleman Buyout Link: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service $50 base price for each of the following accounts.

    Each comes with two 10% TM moogles, 5 king minitaurs, 5 king gilsnappers, 30%Atk/Mag materia, 109atk 37mag sword.

    You can look up the stats of the characters at this useful link! units - FFBraveExvius

    [5* Base: Mercenary Ramza 傭兵ラムザ] Additional: Ex-Death, Ashe, Werai, Crowe - 5 tickets remaining.

    [5* Base: Wilhelm ヴィルヘルム] Additional: Agrias, Swimsuit Fina, Victoria, Zidane, Charlotte - No tickets remaining

    [5* Base: Emperor 皇帝] Additional: Setzer, Rasla, Zidane - 19 tickets remaining

    [5* Base: Cool and Refreshing Majin Fina 爽涼の魔人フィーナ] Additional: Swimsuit Fina, Zidane, Gafgarian, Grace - 9 tickets remaining

    [5* Base: Forren フォーレン] Additional: Victoria, Ex-Death, Water Velious - No Tickets Remaining

    [5* Base: Mercenary Ramza 傭兵ラムザ] Additional: Swimsuit Fina, Setzer, Amelia, Water Velious, Vaan - 6 tickets remaining
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