Selling  100+ Heroes  100+ Skins  Both Android/iOS RARE 2016 Account 620+ SKIN 1M+ BP

Discussion in 'Mobile Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Advseller, 1/26/25.

  1. Advseller

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    Accounts please

    dicord: kabak6134
    whatsapp: +12626837006

    1 million+ battle points, 70k+ tickets, 120k+ magic dust, lots of random chests (thousands!) that have been unopened since I started playing 8 years ago.

    10000+ Ranked matches 63% overall wr with 2900+ MVP Ranked stats: ~100 savages ~400 maniacs ~2000 triple, sorry for not having a high winrate on some heroes. Some of the better winrates [matches / winrate] (subject to change as I keep account up to date): Fanny 1300+/67%, Guinevere 500+/73%, Selena 500+/68%, Badang ~300/68%, Claude ~200/73%, Ling ~170/77%, Beatrix 100+/72%, Joy 100+/78%, Esmeralda 100+/74%

    Legend skins: Valir, Lesley, Gusion, Guinevere, Lunox, Johnson
    Collector Skins: Dyrroth, Alpha, Pharsa, Vexana, Badang, YSS, Valentina, Jawhead, Aurora
    KOF: Paquito (gold top 3000), Masha (gold top 3000), Valir (gold top 3000), Guinevere, Karina.
    Fun fact: somehow got the same number for two of the KOF skins
    Moskov (gold top 20000)
    Vexana Zenith
    Many limited epic skins and most starlight
    Aspirant skins for Fanny, Layla, and Ruby, Angela.
    Exclusive starlight and 11.11 skins for Gord, Kagura, and Karrie, Lesley, Angela, Hayabusa, Nolan, Vale.
    All zodiac skins.
    Lightborn skins for Fanny, Alucard, Granger, and Tigreal
    MSC Leomord skin. M1 Aldous skin.
    Benedetta & Leomord DUCATI skin.
    PRIME Beatrix skin and Yu Zhong skin.
    Selena STUN skin, 515 Party skins for Ling, Yin, and Wanwan. Transformer skins for Popol and Roger.
    Kung ** skin for Thamuz and Ling.
    Atomic skins for Miya and Eudora.
    Floryn Sanrio [may have missed out some skins]
    The account has a violation rate of 0% and has never been banned before.