Selling Rappelz Fenrir US - 156 T2 Beast Master account...

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rappelz Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/15/14.

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  1. Rappelz Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Rappelz Fenrir US - 156 T2 Beast Master account loaded + 4 buff slave accounts Selling my main account, will throw in 4 buff slave accounts should trade go smooth and I get a decent price for it. These include a 152 magus and 152 cardinal with maxed buffs - and 90 breeder/chaos magician for wind weapon buffs etc. 156 BM - +20 devouring malice 1h T2 axe - +20 devouring guardian of justice new type of 1h axe +10 ruthless t2 gloves/boots +20 sprightly t2 armor Wings 6 slot zealous t2 belt 2x 90 kenta on belt 2x s2 90 harpy on belt Sand Lord Boss card s2 90 nightmare on belt Has 155 DT 155 Stage 5 Unicorn 15x s1 stone golem 15x s1 ifrit 15x s0 cerb 2x Jokers, 1 is 15x, other is 14x Numerous other pets/empties staged and un-staged, way too many to list. Warehouse is full of loot, t1/t2 - d2/d3 etc. 45+ stamina savers + animal crackers Character also has 3 billion rupees on hand. Character has all 5 talent points and is 2/0/3 for howl of the moon buff and dual summon. Can solo anything in the game including using the s5 unicorn to solo hard mode dungeons like having a portable assassin to cloak you. DT has +20 d3 armor, +20 devouring t1 2h axe old type. Other pets have +20 d3 2h staff t1 (150), and other assorted armor +4-+10 or so. Also have a +20 ruthless deaths bite for a pet to use. Another thing to note is : I simply will not use any "middle man" or anything other then paypal. Your security is provided through paypal who will prosecute me by any means they can should I not live up to my end of the bargain, and likewise will protect me if you are an love you. Account will be given once payment is received and cleared at which point buyer will get the account moved to an email of their choice and I will provide all of the security question answers to the account.
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  2. OP
    David Strother

    David Strother
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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