Selling Rappelz Account

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/9/15.

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  1. Games

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    WTS Rappelz 151 account on UNDINE

    - Level 151 character (Master breeder)
    - Many staged pets r7
    - Abhuva Ranged S1 155 pet (Rapid fire, timing attack and other skills)
    - Skeleton s5 lvl 150
    - red pixie s5 lvl 150
    - orc s5 lvl 150
    - pantera s5 lvl 150
    - +20 unrelenting stafff with shard on it
    - Sprightly running gear
    - alot of other pets staged, non staged, r1-r7
    - Summoners master helmet with cloak appeareance
    - force of deva cloak
    - lots of items still in cart: Full christmas outfit, 6x t-protect mirror, 20 premium stable passes, cloak of loyalty, pure white lydian (forever), lucky potions, aniamal crackers
    - only 75m gp in bank
    - 11 stamina potions
    - +20 lvl10 bow with teardrops (covetousdragon)
    - Lots of other stuffs

    Will trade for World of Tanks gold

    Pm me your offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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