Hello, my name is Raple and I have been a large proponent of the social engineering community here on playerup. Today, with the help of the very successful refunder @Versa, I am bringing you one of the most detailed refunding/social engineering eBooks ever released on playerup. This eBook is 25 pages of extremely in depth techniques, tips, tricks, advice, and methods pertaining to refunding and social engineering. This is a general, all-in-one guide and does not contain a specific store to abuse. It explains how to go about refunding and SE'ing any company you want and how to make a massive profit doing so. Proof of it's length: Me and Versa collectively have opened many shops, and have very extensive knowledge on these subjects: - My extremely successful Fitbit SE Service (Over 400 completed sales) - Versa's extremely successful refund service (Hundreds of confirmed orders, maybe more) - My very successful Boom 2 SE Service (Over 50 completed sales) This knowledge has helped us earn tens of thousands of dollars here on the playerup marketplace, and it is now all available to you. As a gift for the holiday season, this eBook will be sold at 105$ for the first 3/3 customers. I accept Paypal, AGC, RSGP, and certain other giftcards. For cryptocurrency, I accept ETH, LTC, BTC, and XMR in some cases. You must pay any applicable fees on any payment method. My Skype is rapledamnsyrup make sure to confirm on playerup prior to purchasing. A staff vouch copy has been given to @Ahlwong . I will provide ONE other vouch copy to an EXTREMELY reputable member of the community of my choice. Do not even ask if you have less than 2k posts.