Alright, first of all, account info: (!!!) Also, have all necessary keys, box pic's, game activate card pic's, etc etc etc (!!!) Alright, now, what id like to get: 1) Ragnarok Online account (99 trans, perfect equips) on any high populated low rate server (EuphRo for example) or iRO. 2) High level characters. I dont need any paid accounts, boxes or any other love you. Just post your game/acc info and we'll see. But yeah, id like to get a RO acc more. 3) Also, looking for a wow account. (only a rogue or a warrior) How to contact me: msn: icq: 292209294 Fixed. Also, bump! Bump and Edit. Now looking for a wow acc as well. (Rogue/war only) Bump~~~~~~ Whoever was offering his steam account with team fortress 2 and other love you add me on msn again. ~~~~~~~~~~bump