Sold Rank 46 Account: 17 Roullete Ssr Players

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jacobo Asmar, 3/12/18.

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  1. Jacobo Asmar

    Jacobo Asmar
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    Rank 46 account: 17 roullete SSR players account: * 2x Tsubasa nankatsu * 2x Santana perfect soldier * DF Diaz * 2x Ken Wakashimazu * Hermann Kaltz * Shingo Aoi (japan) * 2x Elle sid Pierre (S eiffel attack) * Genzo wakabayashi (ssr catch) * Zino Hernandez (S golden globe) * Juan diaz (s drive shot) * Mark owiran (S cross defense) * Robson (lionhearth) * Taro misaki (artist of the field) This account never played 3rd party dreamballs so its working perfectly 71 dbs atm 2 legendary drills 291k league coins 2792246k online coins PM offers accept paypal
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    Jacobo Asmar

    Jacobo Asmar
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  3. OP
    Fadhil Rahman

    Fadhil Rahman
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    Want to trade?
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