Rank 228 Hades Titan ulb, 10 flb Eternal, 6 Evokers, 6 Zodiacs, 75 dollars only

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dopelgangero, 5/14/21.

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  1. Dopelgangero

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    Hi there. Kinda tired of this game...
    Wanna sell mine GranBlue account (mobage) for good.
    Rank: 228.
    SSR Characters: 218. (ALL 10 of Eternals FLB, 6 Evokers recruited and 7 Arcarum summons ULB (Nier is almost done for recruiting), 7 Zodiacs (minus Andira), 26 Grands, 17 Seasonal Characters )
    Notable Summons: All of Primals 0* minus Varuna. ULB Titan and ULB Hades with solid grids. Also have - all ULB Magna summons, ULB Bahamut, FLB Surtr, Kaguya 0*, Europa 2*, Sariel 2*, Satyr 1*, Grand Order *1, Gabriel *1, Bonito *0, Typhoon *0, Shiva *0, Thor *0, Uriel *0, Metatron *0, Michael *0, Elil *0, Nyarla *0, Belial *0, Tsuchinoko *0, Charybdis *0, Heimdallr *0.
    Grids & Weapons :
    -Fire : M2 AES Crit
    -Water : M2 OTK + Magna Staff Grid
    -Earth : Primal Titan Caim Grid ( 3 Grands FLB and 2 GMs ULB )
    -Dark : Primal Hades ( Highlander Grid with 3 Grands FLB )
    -Wind : M2 Stamina ( 3 Harps )
    -Light : M2 Lumi Swords
    -Opus Weapons : 3 ULB [ Water Magna, Earth Primal, Dark Primal ] , Others FLB.
    -Astral Weapons : 1 ULB [ Earth ], Others FLB.
    Supplies :
    -1 Gold Bar
    -2 Sunlight Stones
    -9 Damascus bars in shop
    -31k+ Berries, 4k+ Pots, 600+ Full Pots
    -20 Gold Moons (traded 200 gms for Earth Mjolnir and Earth Hercules and ULB both of them, like it or not).
    -39955 Crystals, 187 Premium Draw Tickets and one 10-part Premium Draw Ticket. 330 rolls total. 1 spark for you to utilise freely. (i highly recommend to save it for new year roulette to spark twice potentially)
    Full list of characters and summons on my account you can find here:


    Price $250, #, via QIWI or PayPal.
    For more details, you can DM me on discord - Black-o-White, Black Metal Witch#6910
    #1 Dopelgangero, 5/14/21
    Last edited: 5/15/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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