Hello, I am selling my FFBE account after a couple years of playing. I attempted to sell before but ended up keeping the account after no reasonable offers are made. Many improvements have been made since. This account is clean! No Injections or fraudulent activity has taken place with this account! UNITS: 7 Star Hyoh (+ a 5* extra) Zargabaath Rem Reberta Olive Ayaka Grim Lord Sakura Emperor Onion Knight Eiko Lightening 5 Star Bases: Ace Adam Jensen Aileen Atoning Dragoon Kain Basch x2 Barbariccia Blossom Sage Sakura Cloud x2 Dark Knight Cecil Delta Duke Elfreeda x2 Emperor Shera x2 Fohlen x2 Fryevia x2 Gilgamesh Heavy Technician Lid Knight Delita Lila x3 Livid Shantotto Loren Lulu x2 Lunera x2 Luneth x2 Maritime Strategist Nichol Mercenary Ramza Nalu Nameless Gunner Jake x2 Noctis Nyx Orlandeau x2 Prishe Prompto Queen Ramza Seabreeze Dark Fina Sephiroth x2 Shadow lord Squall Wilhelm Veritas of the Light I've acquired many TMRs and exclusive equipment over the years so I'll just screenshot all that I have and let them speak for themselves. It's worth noting that there are a lot of units ready for the Mixr system once they implement it for GL. Here is a link to all TMRs. Others: 15x Unit of Choice Tickets 4695x lapis 9 million gil Completed the story up to the LAST most recent story update. There is about 2k+ lapis to be obtained from the most recent update. The account is linked to a dummy account and you will be given complete access to that account upon payment. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
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