Hi all, Ranger currently spec’d Tamer. Level 45(58). 25mil+ Silver. Enough to purchase several diamonds. 8 equipped legendaries. Upgraded. One of the top weapons on the server. 4/4 tamer divine set. Extra divine gear - dismantle and sell legend essence if you want. 13k + dps as tamer with appropriate rotation (This is great DPS as a tamer - tamer boosts other parties DPS. Isn’t meant to top the charts. Respec scout if you want that). Potential potion if you wish to respec. Bags full of d1 - d3 gears. Tons of upgrade materials. 30+ frost hearts. Alt in 30-40 level range...perfect for farming lvl 30 accessory/earring bps (worth ~10k gold each). Well respected on server - HELL Ele Lord teams, eligible for all raids/dungeons on heroic Lots more...
I’m new here, but I think you click ‘buy now’, submit payment to this website, I give them the account info, then they verify both and make the switch. The account is linked to an blank Facebook. account I created, so all you need is the email/password for it. In order to keep me locked out, you can just change the Facebook. password after I give it to you. Make sense?
THIS ITEM HAS SOLD This is a confirmation that a buyer has paid for this listing. What is the next step? 1). A startup ticket has already been opened with @Middleman and the buyer. @Middleman is now verifying the buyers payment. 2). Upon verifying the buyers payment, @Middleman will activate the buyers private conversation, sellers private conversation ticket, and buyers/sellers 3 way conversation ticket. 3). No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket with @Middleman, the buyer, and the seller included in the ticket. If you have any questions in the meantime, you may contact us directly here.