random but the F word is in the program

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    just randomally looking in the program and theres a sentence stating:

    "What the f***ing wrong"

    So yeah...wtf?

    no. they censored it with ''FRUITS''like kiwi banana water melon etc etc. D;

    Indeed, it works similar to maplestory and gunbound. If you find all of the words in the hex editor and remove them, like change it to FIOPDIOFSDFJPIOSDA or whatever, the censors don't work anymore. However there are like 10 instances of the same word, so if you try this make sure you remove them all.

    No, not IN THE GAME, in the actual RF program itself. Open it up with a hex editor and search it and you'll find it. As for having no censor, its easy. You can swear and all but everyone else will be filtered but it works like a charm.
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