I am selling a personal account that can take any attacking rally (born at 1180k). Linking a Google account - Rally Trap 875m account can Gift Unlocked STATISTICS on the main set of army attack: +273% army defense: +261% MAX. ARMY HP: + 458% ATK inf + 420.3% ranged + 384.4% cavalry + 335.9% max. health info +379% ranged combat +274, cavalry +262% - 115.8m research - 51 million units 121 thousand gems (06/22/24) have a champion step (8 astralite) and a purple helmet, there is a castle skin for army HP debuff , 8 migration scrolls, there are 23 execution licenses. Ideal specially made statistics for fishing and attracting large accounts to attack yourself - only 85m killed, only 4.5 million enemies destroyed, win rate 50, TURF LOST 561. (every kvk someone attacks). almost complete countertypes - full Jade Serpent, 100 of 150 chronicler medals (account has funds to purchase another 20 medals).