Selling  XBox One  High End Rainbow six siege OP ACCOUNT

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Joey Smith, 1/10/20.

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  1. Joey Smith

    Joey Smith
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    I have a pc one level 88 .9 kd
    I have a xbox account level 213 1.3kd
    pc has 4 elite skins- Doc Thermite blackbeard and kapkan
    Xbox has 4 elite skins Sledge ash twitch pulse

    all ops are unlocked for both

    xbox name: Ruxth
    R6Tab | Ruxth (Xbox) | Player Stats
    pc name: ShadowlessVoid
    R6Tab | ShadowlessVoid (PC) | Player Stats
    Discord Funtime#0001
    I'm selling both of them for a better pc account. You can't buy them individually.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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