R9rr seeker +12 weapon Cultivation: Celestial Sage Level: current 102 RB2 book: 102 and 103 R9rr weapon +12 with 2x Drakeflames r9rr Armors: +10 with vit stones plain r9 ring G16 elemental cube necklace +4 g16 HA cape +4 (3 sockets 3x +75 hp stones) r9rr belt with a +6 VIT stone g16 HA helmet +5 (3 sockets 2x +40 hp and 1x +75 hp) Battle tactics tome (+13 str +12 vit) level 26 starchart (nothing fancy just a plain one) Longetivity Genie lvl 102 79/100 lucky points Twillight Sky 2 primal level. 25952 base hp for more info and screenshots can contact on skype: norbert94norbert price 200$ Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service