105-105-104(93%) DA server Royal Sky 8 R9 weap +12 with 130 shards R9 gear 1 part +10,2 parts +9 and 1 +8 with Vit and Garnet Gems Defiance Neck +10 (Magic +10,Attack +40,Attack Lvl +1)(1 sovereign stone and 3 battlement stones) R9 Belt (+330 def with 3 +16 spirit) Emperor +4 Crown of Madness +8 (+150 Magic Attack with vit stones) Wings of Acescion +8 (+330 def with garnet stones) Embrace Ring+11 (+40 Magic Attack) Card Set Warsong All A cards Rb 2 (The Incacerate card still rb0 80/80) Glyphs lvl 5 Some Alts with g16 on bank 72k unbuffed Magic Attack 23k Def Phy 2.4k Spirit