BM it's second reborn. First reborn was at lvl 105, second at lvl 101 and now it's lvl 103 Having R9 ring and R9r3 weapon Having max inventory, max bank and max cupboard Having 26 x gold HP charms and 10x gold MP charms in bank Having APS gear and using G17 first cast fists It's Celestial Sage with all important skills and buffs + AOE sage, max primals critical, damage and HP skills Have like 7 mounts in bank Having 154 gold event Having 26 x A avatars ( using 2 of them ) and 3x S avatars that i am using them Tons of items in bank and cupboard as items, mats, fash, barbaric blood and more For more info, contact me on skype : bona.nox Since these days only to get R9 ring and first cast weapon cost 2b and beside items, levels, avatars, skills and rest, i'm asking 1b or best offer ingame coins.