Selling  Average  Rank 175+  Both Android/iOS R207|Varuna Main|10Juuten9FLB|6 Zodiac|233 Ssr

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tianc2p, 5/1/21.

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  1. tianc2p

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    WTS R207| 9M DL Campaign Account|Mobage Account

    Varuna Primal Crit Grid&Zeus and Titan Potential

    Notable chara:
    Total chara 233(Updated just got Lecia and two other ssr instead)
    ☑️Evoker:3/10 (Geisen,Haze,Caim)
    Grand Series total:23(Lucio,G.Sandal,G.Ferry,Europe,Shiva,etc)
    Notable Summer Chara:S,Cag,S.Milemel,S.Amira,S.Grea,etc
    Valentine Chara:Aglovale V,V Clarise,V.Monika,V.Medusa,V.Scatcha.
    Detail and Pic:

    Summon: 3 ULB include(ULB Agni,ULB Zeus,ULB Varuna), FLB Belial,ULB Luci&Bahamut
    Arcarum Summon SSR:Justice and Sun (Tower in progress)

    Primarch Summon: Michael0,Uriel 2,Metatron2,Gabriel1.

    0 Gold bar in supply,6 damas left in shop, 1 evolite in inventory,2 Damas on inventory.
    Paid skin:Naru new year,GBVS Skin,Katalina Dark BD.
    Detail and Pic:

    Fire: M2+AES Grid,Draconic ULB
    Earth:Caim grid Magna,Opus ULB astral on the way to pick and ULB
    Water:Varuna Crit Grid,Opus ULB+Astral ULB
    Wind:M2 build
    Dark:Enmity Build Ready,CA+Stamina Build Ready,Opus magna ULB
    Light:Sword grid+Opus ULB
    Detail and Pic:

    Price is $250 # and fee mm on buyer, payment accept with paypal F&F
    For futher more information and detail for account just DM me @C2P#5509
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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