Sold R 175 ACCOUNT 141 SSR 3 FLB ETERNALS $250 QuickSale

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Vinceland, 7/13/19.

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  1. /u/Vinceland

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    Discord: Calc#8561

    Hey guys, been playing a lot of granblue and now I feel its time to let go some of my accounts I've played/been playing and some that I have kept rolling on events for fun. Paypal verified and am looking to build a good rep.

    Trade References :

    Rank 175 Endgame Account with Many Limiteds/Primals! 141 SSRs

    This is my main account but it is time to move on as I have lost my interest in the game and do need some cash. However, will still play the game until it is sold. Feel free to pm to ask questions, get more ss, anything. Would like to sell this week, depending on offers and interest of account.

    3 FLB GW Characters, Threo, Eahta, and Tweyen with premium outfits on Tweyen and Threo. Uno Already 40 boxed and ready to go.

    5 GOLD BARS on hand

    MANY Limiteds


    ALL primal summons except for Titan a few mlb'ed

    6 Sunstones and 120 gold moons and lots of silver and bronze as well

    Many amazing summons like Grimnir, Lucifer, Kaguya, Halluel and Malluel, Thor, bonito + lots more. Many are mlb'ed/flb

    MANY gacha weapons, Grand weapons to use them in!

    Tons of pots and berries, 580 full pots, 4674 half pots, 1008 soul balms, and 24327 berries

    Ready for all Guild Wars! In an A Rank Guild that has been A rank for 20+ consecutive Guild Wars!

    Price: $250 USD # via paypal friends/family. MM is acceptable provided we find someone we both trust and you pay MM fees. Want to sell this weekend!

    Summer 2018 Legfest Start Dash

    • Account 34 De la Fille light / Marcula Marius (summer) x2 / Ghandagoza / Lady Gray / Ilsa (summer) / Vania / Siegfried (summer) / Anthuria / Athena / Gawain / Siren / Sara / Tsukuyomi / Lancelot / Nemone / Snow White / Narmaya / Neptune / Rackam / Lady Katapillar / KUMBHIRA / Gabriel / Razia / Maids / Chat Noir / Yggdrasil / Slyph / Tiamat / Forte / Macula Marius(Summer) / Anat / Odin / Charlotta / Lily / Satyr / Bahamut / Aletheia / Zues / Ankusha / Melleau / Robomi / Tsubasa [Price: $11]

    NEW YEARS 2019 Anila/Kumbhira/Athena/ Accounts have 1 Gold Brick/1 Dama/1 Sunstone

    • Account 45 Carmelina / Eustace / Cagliostro / Lily / Grea / Feena / Chat Noir / KUMBHIRA / Twin Elements / Garuda / De la Fille / Hallessena / Sen / Juliet / Zephyrus/ Nemone / Gorilla / Prometheus / Yuel(Summer) / Robomi / Varuna / Lucifer / Jeanne(Summer) / Marduk / Cybele / Altair / Uriel / Levin Sisters / Medusa / VAnia / Albert [Price: $12]

    • Account 46 Zeta / Vaseraga(earth) / Yuisis / KUMBHIRA / Lily / Lich / Metera / Beatrix / Dante&Freiheit / Cybele / Forte / Shiva(Character) / Poseidon / Jeanne(Summer) / Aglovale / Cagliostro / Sara / Cybele / Sethlans / ANkusha / Yngwie / CAgliostro / Morrigna [Price: $8]

    • Account 56 Lady Grey / Tsukuyomi / Yurius / Grani / Altair / Jeanne d'Arc / Lilele / Vane / Vira(earth) / Dark Angel Olivia / Grand Order / Dorothy&Claudia / Izmir / Ilsa(Summer) / Odin / Macula Marius(Summer) / Tsukuyomi / Jeanne(dark) / Dante&Freiheit / Alexiel(Summon) / Vortex Dragon / Hellessena / Tsubasa / Chat Noir / Bonito / Societte [Price: $9]

    • Account 57 Lady Grey / Silva(Light) / Anthuria / Beatrix / Athena(Character) / Lancelot / Metera / Cagliostro / Lady Katapillar / Romeo / Garuda / Silva / Apollo / Siegfried(Summer) / Jeanne(dark) / Lancelot&Vane / Freezie / Vania / Yuel / Zooey(Light) [Price: $6]

    • Account 58 Melleau / Anne / Gabriel / Sara / Athena(Character) / Gawain / Adramelech / Vaseraga(Earth) / Hallessena / Agni / Dante&Freiheit / Macula Marius(Summer)x2 / Jeanne(Summer) / Yuel(Summer) / Vortex Dragon / Black Knight / Raphael / Satyr / Agni / Eustace(dark) / Jeanne(dark) / Lancelot(wind) / Ilsa / Romeo / Tezcatlipoca / Anat / Vania [Price: $10]

    • Account 59 Zeta / KUMBHIRA / Ayer / Hector / Feena / Lunalu / Jeanne d'Arc(dark) / Lennah / Europa / Dorathy and Claudia / Societte / Gawain / Prometheus / Marduk / Europa(Character) / Vania / Siegfried(Summer) / Gilgamesh / Sarunan / Hallessena / Azazel / Satan / Beatrix [Price: $16]

    Extra Info: -Prices are in USD and # for all accounts for sale. Payment via paypal via family and friends or offer away. Not interested in trading account for account

    Feel free to ask here or in discord for more information/screenshots or anything.

    # #/Vinceland
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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