Selling "WTS rr 100 AM, rr 81 WP ""100 AM" All possible...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/25/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    "WTS rr 100 AM, rr 81 WP ""100 AM" All possible weapons/gear 2 sets of DF 2 sets of WP both rr100 weapons 2 k gold rr 81 WP full sove rr 80 book/weapon. Pm with offers please." "WTS Full rvr game pack (progression/personal) ""I bought full rvr pack wrogly so I need to sell it . My account has already progression pack so I just need personal pack SO I cant aplly this code. Price is 5 Euro. Paypall only.""" "WTS BOOSTED rr32 Destro Guild Karak Norn ""Hello everyone" Another nice offer from me. I am selling a rank 32 Destruction guild on Karak Norn. Name will be disclosed to a serious buyer. (Hint: the name is not well-known - but its feared by many) Perfect opportunity to reroll and start as a premade etc... Listing of the Guild Vault: Currency: 18k gold 6.3k golden scarabs Crafting: 7x 20 Master Reliquary (200 talisman container) 2x 20 Master Ampoule (200 appo container) Lots and lots of 200 fragments of STR Lots of 175 fragments 5x 50 175 Curios 1x 20 200 Curios 4x 50 200 Amor main ingredients!!! etc... Pots: 13x20 Enhanced Ptra pots 5x20 BLESSED Ptra pots 8x20 Enhaced Tahoth pots 4x20 BLESSED Tahoth pots 8x20 660 Armor pots 5x20 907 Amor pots 8x20 3000hp pots 5x20 200ap pots etc... Dyes: 2x20 Slaneesh Pink dyes Skull whites and Ulgu Greys aswell Talismans: (I will list some very nice ones) - there are TONs of others 5x Crystal of Agony 2x Crystal of Sandstorms 5x 24 STR 5x 180 Armor 5x 24 WS 6x 24 Tougness 10x 24 wounds 2x 36 Melee power 1x 36 Magic power etc... Price can be adjusted based on the Guild Vault item state. Buyers can have a look-through before purchasing! Also I will consider a trade for a decent amount of working 60day timecards!" "EPIC 3Year Account - rr100 Mara / rr100 WE / rr100 SH / rr80+ Zealot ""Hello there" I am posting this topic up front to see what I can get. Probable sell will commence on 15-20th of February. Core beta tester account - with almost ALL extra's You can get ingame. -3Year veteran reward (Endless Orange...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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