Hi, I'm quitting the game and I want to sell the cards that I have. I'm only selling them on Ebay (username: JLeira) because I want the positive points there. On Ebay there is all the information about the cards, with pics. The cards are: Perfects: George Washington lvl 70 (BY Locked) Boxcutter Killer lvl 70 (BY Locked) Neptune lvl 70 (BY Locked) Regular 5*: Strong Licker lvl 70 (BY Locked) Quick Julius Caesar lvl 70 (BY Locked) Strong Leviathan lvl 70 (BY Locked) Mental Leviathan lvl 1 Smart Succubus lvl 70 Smart Orochi lvl 70 (BY Locked) Smart Orochi lvl 1 Quick Galileo lvl 69 (BY Locked) Smart Jupiter lvl 70 Strong Khan lvl 70 (BY Locked) Fresh Train lvl 60 Pestilents: Columbus Galileo Neptune Succubus Washington Train William Minotaur You can send me an offer in Ebay, if is good, I'll accept it. Thanks.