Quitting MWoH for good!!!

Discussion in 'Marvel War of Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    I've been lingering on the fringes for a while now but I've decided I'm officially giving up the game due to lack of free time. My inventory isn't what it used to be but I still have a few good stuff on the account which I would like to sell as a whole. I will also accept offers of cards from Star Wars Force Collection as I am pretty well invested in that game as well. Here are the Particulars: Roster (By Rarity): L [Seventh] Venom+ Atk9000 Def7600 Skill:Sig boost atk sk7 UR [Amnesia] Angel+ Sk4 UR [Little Sister] Magik+ Sk8 UR [Femme Fatale] Black Widow+ Sk6 UR [Guns Blazing] Rocket Raccoon+ Sk5 UR [Friendly Neighbor] Spider-Man base SSR [Director] Nick Fury base UR [Godhunter] Beta Ray Bill+ x2 (Sk1, Sk2) UR [Cosmic Awareness] Silver Surfer+ Sk3 UR [Thunder God] Thor+ Sk1 UR [Asgardian Lightning] Thor+ Sk1 SSR [Bushido Code] Silver Samurai base L [Brotherhood Renegade] Magneto+ Lv100 Sk3 SSR [Scientific Solution] Mr. Fantastic base SSR [Ready Aim] Hawkeye base SSR [Cajun Charmer] Gambit base SSR [God Father] Odin base There are also a handful of SSR+ and SR bases as well as a near full roster of base Rare cards waiting for pairs to fuse. The account also currently has 14 Blue Power Packs on it. PM me or comment below with offers, be it $ or SWFC cards. I'm not asking for much but please don't pm or comment with offers of $5 etc. Thanks for looking and happy gaming! Edit: Jun 19, 14 12:30am selling
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