Selling   QUITTING Getting rid of everything

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kichiguts, 8/26/20.

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  1. kichiguts

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    My Location:
    I've been playing animal jam for a while now but its time I get rid of everything since I'm quitting. Im looking to hopefully get $100 or so. ALL PRICES CAN BE # IF FAIR!!!

    • 6 BLACK LONGS: $15 Each
    • 1 BLACK SHORT: $5
    • 2 RARE WRISTS (1 long, 1 short) $3-4 FOR BOTH.
    • PROMO ITEMS: (PRICES #) $2-3
    • OTHER SMALL TRINKETS: $1 for 3 ITEMS (It doesnt matter to me)
    • DEN BETAS: $1 EACH (I dont really care
    If you're interested or have any questions, you can E-Mail me @ [email protected]. Im looking to just get rid of everything and get some extra money! I plan on using the PlayerUp Middle Man Services unless there is a change wanting to be made. I will also be using PayPal. Thank you!

    #1 kichiguts, 8/26/20
    Last edited: 8/26/20
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