Sold Quicksell, Closed Beta, Legacy Account with unobtainable skins.

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by derpiness, 5/15/22.

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  1. derpiness

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    Skin list (v indicates a voice pack)

    Achilles - /
    vAgni - Curse, Infernal (ltd)
    vAh Muzen Cab - Dark Whisperer
    vAh Puch - Galactic Invader
    Amaterasu - /
    vAnhur - Olympian, Shadow
    vAnubis - Gravehound, Stargazer, Convention 2016, Freedom Retriever
    Ao Kuang - Dragon Knight
    vAphrodite - Majestrix, Afro-Dite, Beach Babe
    vApollo - Elite Agent, TSM, Curse
    Arachne - Black Widow
    vAres - Diamond Sword, SWC 2015, Soldier of Fortune
    vArtemis - Stalker
    Artio - /
    vAthena - Red Star, Liberte, Winter Olympics
    Awilix - /
    Baba Yaga - /
    Bacchus - /
    vBakasura - Feaster Bunny, Rage
    Baron Samedi - /
    Bastet - /
    vBellona - Battle Maiden, Furiona, SPL 2016
    vCabrakan - Gamma Slam, Nerd Rage
    Camazotz - /
    Cerberus - /
    Cernunnos - /
    vChaac - Hailstorm, Boom Chaac-a-laka, Radical Rex
    vChang'e - Bright Moon, Sun's Bride, Hunter's Moon, Enchanted, Moonlight Love, Lunar Tango
    Charybdis - /
    Chernobog - /
    Chiron - Sagittarius, Chevalier
    vChronos - Super Chronos 64
    Cthulhu - /
    Cu Chulainn - /
    vCupid - Lucky Baby Fuwa
    Da Ji - /
    Danzaburou - /
    Discordia - /
    Erlang Shen - /
    vEset - Shadow, Guardian Eternal, Scarlet Coven
    Fafnir - /
    vFenrir - Frostfang, Metal Carnage, Lord Slashington III
    vFreya - Northern Lights, Frost Maiden, Pixel Buster
    Ganesha - /
    vGeb - Molten Fury, G.E.B. 1
    Gilgamesh - /
    vGuan Yu - Unstoppable Blade, Master Guan **, Convention 2014
    Hachiman - /
    Hades - Classic Hades
    vHe Bo - Cascade, He Bro, Infinity Wave, The Sydney Shredder
    Heimdallr - /
    vHel - Sugar and Spice
    Hera - Crimson Queen
    vHercules - Grand Slam, Retrocles
    Horus - /
    Hou Yi - Iron Crow
    vHun Batz - Shaolin Monk-ey, Space Monkey
    Izanami - /
    vJanus - Jandroid, Bass Drop
    Jing Wei - /
    Jormungandr - /
    vKali - Trophy Hunter
    Khepri - Steel Scarab
    King Arthur - /
    vKukulkan - Sacred Dragon, Kuku, Void Wyrm
    Kumhakarna - RIP Van Kumbha, Spooky Dreams
    Kuzenbo - /
    Loki - Infiltrator
    Medusa - Idusa, Mortal Coil, Black Gorgon
    vMercury - Run.exe
    Merlin - /
    Morgan Le Fay - /
    Mulan - Rising Hero
    vNe Zha - Cyberpunk
    vNeith - Mischievous, Ms. Diagnosis, Buccaneith, Instakill
    vNemesis - Blind Vengeance, Executioner
    Nike - /
    Nox - Bunbun
    vNu Wa - Amethyst, Water Dancer, Nu Horizons
    vOdin - Worlds Collide
    Olorun - /
    vOsiris - The Re-animated
    Pele - /
    Persephone - /
    vPoseidon - Poolseidon
    vRa - Solar Sentinel, Solar Eclipse, Alienware, Ra'merica, Sunstar
    Raijin - Devil Horns, Drums Out
    vRama - Orbital Strike
    vRatatoskr - Ragnatoskr, Flurry
    Ravana - Rock from Bisrakh, King of the Ring
    vScylla - COG Scylla, Lil' Red, Daisy Despair
    vSerqet - Madame Blade, Desert Queen, Dread Queen
    Set - Unichrome
    Skadi - /
    vSobek - High Seas
    Sol - Cosmic
    Sun Wukong - Silver Sage, Heavenly Warlord
    Susano - /
    Sylvanus - Dr. Vanus, Permafrost
    Terra - /
    vThanatos - Archon, Jack the Reaper
    The Morrigan - /
    vThor - Heavy Metal, Righteous Hammer, Blood Eagle, Wrath of Valhalla, Violet Lord, Ragnarok Force X
    Thoth - Sanguine Scribe
    Tiamat - /
    Tsukuyomi - /
    Tyr - Sock Puppetyr, Convention 2015
    Ullr - Berserker, The Survivor
    Vamana - Lil' Mana
    vVulcan - Warforged, Ironsmith
    Xbalanque - SPL 2015 (EU), SPL 2015 (NA), Jaguar Footballer, Jungle Beast
    Xing Tian - /
    Yemoja - /
    vYmir - Obsidian Shard, Digi-Mir 9000, Twitchymir, Irezumir, Cacodemon,
    Zeus - Almighty, Thunderhead, Heaven's Rave, SWC 2016
    vZhong Kui - King of Ghosts, Demon Catcher

    - PayPal F&F, just $200, original owner of the acc, all fees are on you and I end up with $200 on my PP, you get the account and gg
    - communication through site mesages, no random discords/skypes/other off-site stuff, for security purposes, arrange a meetup time for information exchange
    - No lowballs, price you see is set in stone. If you try to offer less, price increases by the same amount for you permanently. If a sale is announced it will be visible within the thread.

    No time wasters please, I am highly allergic to them

    1000+ gems on the account unspent
    God Pack of course...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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