Quick Summary: Diamond in S3; PaX TF, Sivir & Jax, Snow Bunny Nid; 187 Skins; Never Banned/Suspended, +133k IP, 20 Rune Pages, All heroes, lot of Avatars, Pulsefire theme. Hey Guys, I am selling my Diamond account on Nordic Server. The account has been created shortly after the Beta, it has never been banned or suspended. Season 1: Silver Season 2: Gold Season 3: Diamond Got all 3 PaX Skins. ( Pax TF by itself goes +$500 online, and I doubt you can get it much cheaper). A lot of other limited and legacy skins which I will provide info if you are interested and you pm me. Breeezik's League of Legends Skins :: Elophant Search Stats Breeezik - Europe Nordic & East - Summoners - League of Legends - Lolking Currently there is over 130,000 IP on there and all the heroes are already purchased. A lot of different runes as well. Again I can provide more in depth information if you message me. Screenshots of the avatars (missed out the given ones): Gyazo - c186f88ab38ebe7362dece3f722467f2.png Gyazo - 2d4a6c900ae3db4b0660dd2683ff1ed8.png I will require the buyer to change nickname. Hope there is someone who mind be interested although because of the content the price is naturally quite high. All I will say now it is +$1200, if you are really interested PM me. Hey PaX TF! :P