Because i am getting ignored or overseen in my private conversation, i feel the urge to create a ticket, although the guide told me not to. I already asked 2 times for an update on my payment status regarding my sell. I sold an account over a week ago and still didnt received my money or notice about the onging process. The "pending" note isnt very helpful, even more because i managed to put the same transaction 5 times into the queue, for what ever reason that is even possible on the technical aspect. I am new here and i intended to sell more items on your site, but the first impression is tending towards a negative outcome on the long run. Therefore i humble ask for a single sentence of update if my payment is still ongoing or if its stuck at a certain point, and what i can do about that to help you speed up the process. ID: 922207453 Thank you in advance for the inconvenience.
I got now credits transfered to my playerup account which i wasnt asking for. I was asking where and how my payment to my PAYPAL Account is going, nothing else. Beside that, why is it only $174? I sold my account for $206 in total. I guess the $6 was the buyers fee for the middleman transaction, so there are $26 missing. Could a HUMAN BEING please explain me what is going on here?