If i wish to buy an account but the seller has not created a buy now listing, is there a way possible that i could have a middleman receive the account from the seller and receive my payment "buyer". I just want to make sure i receive the account and the seller receives the money without any hiccups.
You need to have the seller create a middleman link. No other way around this. You can create it yourself and also pay but everything is done through PlayerUp for security reasons. How does the secure middleman process work for buyers? 1). Sellers create and post middleman buy now listings (click here) 2). Buyer clicks on buy now listing and completes payment 3). We verify and secure the buyers payment 4). We create a 3 way conversation ticket with the Buyer and Seller 5). We inform the Seller which specific account information they need to release to the Buyer 6). During this process, we will communicate and guide both the Buyer and Seller. 7). Buyer secures and verifies the account 8). Payment is then disbursed to the Seller Middleman: Buyers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.