Selling   Original Owner (Yes) Queen 25, 2.6B Kills! 11 Lvl rare insect, T10 carriers, Server 0-250, Jungle ants, 80Billions RSS

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Gatherer, 5/23/24.

  1. Star Gatherer

    Star Gatherer
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Super active, stong account is for sale! 3 years of non stop playing
    Queen level 25 9and all buildings), Strong evolution, T10 Carriers and in a month T10 Strikers, 80 BIllio resources, 45 different gold ants, all ants from Lost island, Barren Lands, Jungles are in progress. Donated more than $3000 for three years

    Selling because of a lack of time for playing this wonderfull game!

    Pango top shoot 873 220 000 damage!
    Any info by request [email protected]

    Only safe deal!

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    #1 Star Gatherer, 5/23/24
    Last edited: 5/23/24
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