Sold [Q] Is there any way I can find my old ak?

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/nish_fish, 10/23/18.

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  1. /u/nish_fish

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    Basically I traded it on a few months ago, and I kiiiiiiinda wanna buy it back. Here's a screen of it. The problem is that I searched for all #179 CH AKs with a rain krakow gold, and there wasn't a single result. I know that I registered it on exchange when I had it, so why wouldn't it show up? Searching all #179s doesn't even produce it. The floats skip from 0.36084 to 0.34622 right over my 0.3547

    Any ideas?

    Edit: If nobody knows the solution... does anyone know someone selling a #179?

    # #/nish_fish
    . .
    #1 /u/nish_fish, 10/23/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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