S> BM / SB /DB - Pilled accounts lvl 100 -no culti yet -Pill is ready for RB - 50$ S> Mystic -RB 2 -TS boundary about to RS -Updated Cultivation -300K Rep with Ring of Trauma -G17 Weapon second cast with 10% completion for the 3rd Recast -Full G16 -Emperor Tome -Orb 10* x 2 and 11*x1 (Bound) -Wiz on account RB1 100 -Veno on account RB1 60+ -other tooons just check it out -with Fashweapons -300$ OBO S> BM -RB2 -Full G16 -Orb +10 Bound -Barb on Account no RB and other toons -100$ OBO S> SIN -RB2 updated culti -5 aps -G16 Dagger -with other toons -100$ OBO S> RB2 Seeker -LVL60+ with g15 Gears and weapons -75$ OBO Offers are very welcome Discord: Myscirible#7607